Pocklington Town Council are happy to announce the return of Pocklington’s annual Fireworks Display on Queen Elizabeth II’s Playing Fieldes, West Green. The gates for the event will be open from 5.30pm onwards with access to the numerous food and drink vendors attending the event. There will also be toilet facilities at the event. The fireworks themselves are set to go off at 6.45pm. Please note that there will be no bonfire at this year’s event. The event is set to finish at 7pm.
There is disabled parking available at West Green but is limited. If you would like to reserve a disabled parking space for the event, please contact Pocklington Town Council on townclerk@pocklington.gov.uk.
Please note that if you do not get your tickets on Pocklington Arts Centre’s Website or Box Office before the event, it will be pay by cash on the gate.