This adaptation of Abbé Prévost’s novel embodies Kenneth MacMillan at his best, his acute insight into human psychology and his mastery of narrative choreography finding full expression in the impassioned duets of the central couple, visceral and urgent in their desire. The heroine’s struggle to escape poverty make Manon one of the most dramatic and devastating of ballets, emphasized by Nicholas Georgiadis’ evocative designs that reflect the juxtaposition between Manon’s impoverished origins and the lavish world she longs to inhabit. The 2023/24 Season celebrates the centenary of Nicholas Georgiadis.
Concession Prices: Under 25 only. ID may be required on entry.
IMPORTANT INFO: Unfortunately, due to manufacturing delays beyond our control, our new seating isn’t anticipated to arrive until March. This means that temporary unallocated seating will be in place for this film. Thank you for your continued patience and support during this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on