The captivating troubadour known as Beans on Toast embarks on a joyous musical escapade this Winter. Captivating hearts and minds with his tales of love, politics and the human experience, Beans is unafraid to challenge the status quo with his irreverent wit and soul-stirring lyricism.
Like a modern-day minstrel, Beans on Toast takes to the road on a captivating journey across towns and cities of the UK. His songs, the celebration of the human spirit and a call for unity resonate deeply in the hearts of listeners, leaving them inspired and moved. Inviting us to reflect, laugh and remember that amidst the chaos, there is still hope and beauty to be found.
Benas will be joined by Bassie Gracie and Tensheds for his UK Tour in November and December. Gracie will be telling her brilliant, funny, moving poems, and Tensheds will bring his rock n’ roll rollercoaster. On top of that, both of them will join him onstage to form a new Beans on Toast three-piece band!